Simply Connected Through Adoption
Post Adoption Services
We understand that adoption is a journey that continues long after the official date of adoption. Challenges arise, and families need support. That’s why LSS has launched Post Adoption Services, funded by the South Dakota Department of Social Services. We’re here for you when:
Your child is struggling
You need someone to listen
You’re seeking resources and understanding
You want to connect with other adoptive families
Our goal is to nurture the bonds between all family members and create a supportive community where adoptive families can thrive.
Our services include:
- Case management
- Support groups
- Adoption-competent therapy referrals
- Professional training and education
- Workshops and day camps for adoptive families
We believe in helping families heal and grow together, providing resources that address the unique challenges of adoptive families. You are not alone on this journey. LSS Post Adoption Services is here to support you every step of the way.
Post Adoption Services are made possible through funding from the South Dakota Department of Social Services.