South Dakota CARES May 11 & 12
Cutting Edge Care
through the Professional Development Fund

The number one priority at LSS is responding to the changing needs of communities across South Dakota. Volunteers, staff and donors come together every day to ensure services are accessible to all in need, regardless of age, faith, race and economic status.
As a result, LSS is committed to ensuring all staff members are provided opportunities for growth and development, leading to improved client outcomes, and a positive and caring culture.
Supporting the Professional Development Fund allows LSS to offer specialized training, leadership development and tuition assistance opportunities to essential staff members on a broader scale. In addition, professional development opportunities can help retain and educate current employees as well as recruit new employees.
Your partnership in our professional development efforts ensures that LSS staff will continue to be on the cutting edge of new evidence-based practices that are proven to be successful, ultimately changing the trajectory of the lives of those we serve.

Empower People through Innovative Techniques

Diana Mueller
Clinical Therapist
LSS Behavioral Health Services, Rapid City
“When Abby started counseling, she was not attending school regularly because of the anxiety she had each morning. When she did go, Abby experienced panic attacks.
After receiving EMDR training, I began to see success with clients, so we worked through some exercises together. Through these EMDR techniques, Abby learned more about herself and discovered what memories created anxiety.
Within the first session, she reported feeling much better, more hopeful, and more confident. Abby also learned calming strategies to change her reactions and gain personal control.
Her anxiety is dramatically improved. Because of its effectiveness, I use EMDR with at least 75% of the clients I see. With nearly all the clients using EMDR, it is reported that they feel calmer and more empowered in their lives. It has been such an effective method!”